It's not a new idea, but I think it's super smart: laminated fabric placemats you can simply wipe off. And reversible, too, so you can flip them for a new look when you want.

I used a template that I cut from paper at the size I wanted to cut out all of my rectangles. Sewed the right sides together, trimmed the seam allowance and the corners, and flipped them right side out.

I was able to topstitch the mats, though it was not an easy feat for me. I found it pretty challenging to get my machine to cooperate at times. What really helped was placing some regular scotch tape on the underside of the presser foot as well as your feeding feet. It helped the fabric to more smoothly glide under the needle. It was still challenging, though, and I had to adjust my tension a couple of times before I got it right. Hang in there. It's achievable.

I think they're cute. And colorful. And clean-able. Excellent.
Also, don't you just love my peonies?
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